How Long Distance Relationship Work

March 26, 2017

Yes, i am in a long distance relationship. No, it is not easy. Yes, it has been worth every moment.

A romantic relationship between two people who live far apart and so are unable to meet on a frequent basis, so welcome to this long distance relationship. Do long distance relationships work ? Do couples in long distance relationships cheat on one another frequently ? Or Can they trust each other ? 

Many peoples asked about it and not sure that long distance is a good things to do.

1. Let's Trust Each Other

Believe in someone is easy, but once you broke their trust then it is difficult to trust again. Nothing is wrong if sometime you feel suspicious to your partner because it is a natural thing. But do not keep it by yourself when you think something is wrong. Ask nicely if you are in doubt, believe in them when they are being honest with you. Trust each other is good for making the relationship more healthly. If you love them, trust them. If you don't trust them, then what are you doing with them ?

2. Keep In Touch

Since you won't see each other in person, at least everyday should be at least 1 hour to talk on the phone or video call. I am not telling you to be a very romantic or become super cutie when you calling them. Just tell your daily activity or what funny incident that happened today. Don't feel pressured to talk on the phone for hours everyday.

3. Do Similiar Things

Recommend music, funny video (you can share it from instagram or facebook), movies, cute picture or anything. When you read, listen or watch the same things, so you guys will have more topics to talk in common. Both of you can eat together too while video call.

4. Use Picture

Run out things to talk is normal. At a moments like that, remember "a picture speaks a thousand words". Nowaday, technology is getting easier for us to share things with someone we care about. Try began to take interesting picture about what you are doing right now, your daily life, and send it to your partner so you can talk about it.

5. Being Silly Together

Being silly together is like becoming sugar to my coffee it would light up our relationship. We are all a little weird and life's a little weird. When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in a mutual weirdness and call it love.

6. Visit Each Other

Visits are the highlight of every long distance relationship. After all waiting you finally get to meet each other to fulfill all the things like hug, holding hands, etc. That indescribable feeling of meeting someone after some time apart. It will be like rainbow and butterflies everywhere.

♥ Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it 

Last but not least..

"Some say... Long distance relationships never succeed, I say with enough effort, time and commitment, love will find its way "

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