8 Things To Consider Before You Meet His Family

April 06, 2017

That nervous feeling when you're about to meet his family for the first time. What should you do when you meet his family ?, and by that time you will start questioning yourself 'Will his mom like me ?', 'I hope her sister will go easy on me.' 

These questions will always haunt your mind every time, especially when your boyfriend said that he is going to introduce you to his family soon or later. You definitely will try your best to win his family's heart. So here a few tips that maybe could help you a little.

1. Offer To Help out

If you saw his mother getting busy doing something, never doubt or think twice to help out. Because by doing so, his mother will though that you are able to do some simple chores, that both of you in the future gonna have when staying together, other than that his mother will think that you're a reliable daughter in law 😀

2. Don't Be Insincere or Disingenuous (Faking kindness).

Don't pretend to be nice in front of them, but then you talk behind them. 

3. Picky Eater

When he bring you to his house, most likely that his parents will offer you a plenty of food. They had prepare a lot of dishes to be tasted by you. Do not be too picky, rejecting what they serve will make his parents feel offended, unappreciated and disappointed. So in such a situation you should accept whatever they offer.

4. Find topics to talk.
Sometimes when you're being nervous or maybe afraid of his parents, you will become stoned and won't start talking at all. Just be yourself, be polite so it will give a good impression to them. Don't let them think that you have a arrogant personality or some sort of bad behaviors, be nice to them start finding any topic so both of you and his parents can know each other better.

5. Don't Show Up Like You Are Going To Play Volley Ball

Showed up wearing a tank top and very short pant is just not a good idea. He had grandparents, aunts, uncles, and little kid around, so it wasn't the right environment for that outfit. Because onceyou left, the whole family will kept asking why his girlfriend dress like that ?

6. Dont Forget Your Manner

Say "yes" instead of "uh-huh", and don't forget to say "thank you" or "please" at the right time. Remember, the little things you do can really made an impression for your future in-laws !

7. Bond With His Siblings

Ask about his little sister classes or his older brother hobbies, because everyone in his family is your family too! So start talking to each other and care each other, one day you gonna need them.

8. Compliment How Great Their Son !

His parents want to see that you adore their boy as much as they do. Praise how awesome the way he treats you and point out how proud you are with him.

Last but not least love his family like they are your family too, thanks for reading 💓. 

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