Hurry Up and Come to Visit Sibolga City

October 12, 2017

Do you guys know exactly where I come from ? I guess, not all of you know where is my hometown right ? Someone who love beach and sunset would like to come to my hometown.

Though I tell you what is my hometown slogan as a clue, you will still wondering that I come from Medan. Okay, I am born and raised in "kota berbilang kaum" which mean a city that unifies diversity.
means "Respect Differences Create Peace"

"Kota berbilang kaum" or we know as Sibolga. I don't agree that we call Sibolga as a village it's better to call it "Sibolga city", why I say like that ? It is because we also have airport. Sibolga is located at Tapian Nauli Bay at first and the airport is located at Pinangsori (about 40 kilometers from Sibolga). The Sibolga Pinangsori Airport is also known as Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport. 
small but cute I guess LOL

You can buy flight ticket by traveloka like me, it's more safe, cheap, yet easy to use for booking ticket. Garuda Indonesia now serves Sibolga three times a week flying from Jakarta to Sibolga then on to Medan and vice versa. Wings Air also flies from Medan's Kualanamu International Airport to Pinangsori Airport of Sibolga. In this time, I used wings air though some people say it's a plane propeller, but I found it is the same like usually just a bit small. At all everythings just okay for me. It took 45 minutes from Sibolga to Medan (for round trip I just wasted about Rp.750.000) and its save my time so much.

If you prefer to go overland, the journey takes 10 hours from Medan by car. Road conditions are mostly good. The road passes the beautiful Lake Toba which offers a grand view of the huge lake passing a large number of hairpin bends and steep hills. The tiring journey is well compensated by the stunning landscape that you will enjoy along the route. (For Round trip usually is just about Rp.400.000).
Lake Toba

Entering the city from the airport. There are not many taxies here, so you only use public transportation like angkot or becak. You need to negotiate the fee before you stepping in. Hahaha so usually I asked my father to pick me up.

*becak* well this abang lah  I told you he is kinda legendary, I saw him from elementary until my senior high school
you should tried angkot or becak. Later, here you are to judge.. its not so bad things I guess :D 

Since there is not so many blog review about my hometown. So in this time I will use my chance to tell you guys why you should come here and how naturally beautiful  it is !

I also dont know since when this stairs already here, but this place is also a legendary for some reasons. "Tangga Seratus" means one hundred stairs. My friends and I already counted on it but the stairs is more than one hundred. Seriously ?! but its okay because the panorama is just really that good. Like when you read a japan comic (manga), that people can come to the hill and they can saw all the city from up sight. Same here, we can see the beautiful Sibolga from upstairs.

Night View

Morning View
Sibolga Square is the center of the city, which is many locals sell food here such as fried rice, noodle, sate ayam, kerang rebus, jamu etc.

Pantai Bosur is a beach that is still relatively new, but on the weekend usually this place is always crowded of visitors. Actually, this beach is quite unique because there are rocks neatly arranged like a pier on the beach, which makes many local people at here curious and choose to come. Though the sea water is not as good as what you may be expect but the sunset here is the best !


Pelabuhan Lama actually is a very nice place, but it's been 10 years more (if i'm not mistaken) the gate is always locked. I think if goverment develop this place with well it can be a good tourist spot.
Then last year I read some news about this Pelabuhan Lama, that the land was rented for 25 years but the file wast lost (made by third party).  The existence of this old port land invited suspicion from local. The reason is in the middle of the narrowness of Sibolga land, there is a fairly wide land left unattended. What a waste !


This place is located a few meters from Pelabuhan Lama, where there is the most famous hotel here. Although famous but the quality of the hotel is decreased dramatically. I read some reviews from trivago so sad but it's true but basically over time this hotel has been no better innovation. "Could see the hotel was once very glamorous but now not cared for. Changing the carpet would make such a difference, as would some painting" said Yvonne from Australia. Once again, what a waste. Now this hotel has been defeated by some new hotels that are still good, clean and well groomed.

This field is a place to make flag ceremony when there are some great people who come. Not to forget usually in the evening there are many people around here come to do some sport and usually every 6 months this place have some night market but seasonal (and very rare).

Pulau Poncan can be reached by speed boat within half an hour from the WI Hotel pier, (PS : If you want to come here I suggest you to bring some food and water. Actually that time my friend and I come to Poncan and have nothing to eat and drink the hell ? Cause they said they are out of stock in the island and need some time to restock.

Last time we come here, this island is a very beautiful, clean and also UNPOPULATED!. HAHAHA, OMG no one here, you know !. So if you plan to come here, you should bring some stock of food and water. Not to forget to invite some friends in large quantities.
Because this place need 3 hours by ship to arrive at Pulau Putri and there is no people there. HELLOO ?? Just bring your friends along okay ?

The river is a relaxing place with a breeze, which is located a bit far from the city. But here sell ube fries that are very delicious because it cook with a very traditional way with firewood. Also when fangshen festival (the tradition of releasing animals in Buddhism) will always be carried out in this river.

Bakso Gojek, this is the best food ever in my childhood

especially thissssssssssssssss!!!!!! OMG, dunno where to find this again in Medan

And this is es potong, that is also a traditional snack that can make some student in my school smile happily

Okay here is the gate to my childhood school (I am here from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, until the end of my seniour high school. So memorable yet so FUN !)
This made from not use aqua cup plastic, saya pikir kami pencetus pertama kali buat lilin seperti ini pas waisak dulu :D

We have vihara here, actually this is the old one and a bit smaller. Since 2011 we already have a new vihara and yet more big 5 times from this. I dont have the picture. But if you want to come everybody is always welcome ^^)

11. FOOD
I Just have this crab picture everytime i come back to my hometown, because I LOVED to eat crab so much HAHAHA
Fresh Seafood @kalangan
KEPITING SAOS PADANG BY MOM, this is what you called saos padang you know !

About food ? Don't worry our seafood is best of the best ever fresh from the ocean with some spice and flavoring. It makes you want it even more, in this time I dont have the picture. Cause why ? can't handle my appetite but to eat it soon HAHAHA.

So this is the feed from last two months, but not finished yet that time. Finally, it's done. Thanks for reading. Next time I post again, i will put some multilingual langguage cause my english is really bad you know. Luckily my boyfriend always correct what I wrote in this blog. HAHAHAHA poor him. 

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